Saturday, June 20, 2020

All Over But . . .

Friday morning the moving company hauled all of the furniture and boxes from the storage bin to the house. It took them 2 1/2 hours.  We spent the rest of the day settling things in and started unpacking.  By the end of the day, we had arranged the Great Room and were able to watch the news. 

It is all looking pretty good, including the library.  Yet, much more still needs to get done.  Today, we spent the day hauling up boxes stored in the basement storage room.  Boxes full of dishes and china, glassware, tea pots, cookware, kitchen utensils, cookbooks and so on.  But there is much more, since the storage area is only half empty.  We haven't dug out the two more sets of china, spices, canned goods, and who knows what else.

We spent the night last night, the first time in nine months.  It was good.  However, the condo in DC is still full of all of the artwork, photos and albums, and lots more to take back out to the house.  So it is not over yet.