Friday, February 28, 2020

Final painting and staining

I would like to say all the painting is done. However, the section of white on the side of the closet makes it clear there are still things that need to be done.  That section of sheet rock covers the gas line to the fireplace which could not be put in until after the inspector's approval. There are several other places that also need the final preparation before painting. 
The color used in the closets is called Bold Brick. Very appropriate.

These are a few of the Douglas Fir doors that have been stained. We are pleased with the color.  Mike, the painter, was working today on staining all of the plywood and trim pieces to be used around the windows.  He is very happy that we are staining it.  He also complimented us on the color. 

I worked in the ravine today.  I cleaned up, cutting down dead stems and removing honeysuckle vines, and roots, that keep trying to grow up and over everything. 

This picture shows some of the blocks and bricks that have been put into the ravine to control the erosion. 

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