Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas 2020

It has been a while since I last reported.  Yes, those are snowflakes that you see coming down. 

New shrubs are visible in this view of the front. There are two Japanese cedars on the left, including the tall Cryptomeria japonica, Black Dragon.  I planted three Black Dragons in 2003 which have grown to about 12 feet tall, so I am happy to have a new one up in front.  Maybe I will see this one reach the same height?

Last week I splurged on a new plant, a Chinese Paper Tree, Edgeworthis chrysantha 'Snow Cream'.  The shipping cost much more than the tree because they sent it Fed Ex. You can see is a small stick with a single bud on top - though there is a second, much smaller bud below.  It is wrapped in hardware cloth to keep any of the marauding animals away until it gets some more substantial growth.  I hope this never becomes a favorite of the deer.  In this same place I had a willow bush that one spring was chewed down to the ground multiple times by the deer. So, no more willows.

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