Saturday, May 30, 2020

Septic Tank Arrives

Arriving at the house today to work in the basement, we were surprised to see new lawn decorations.  The new septic tank sits waiting for installation behind a big backhoe loader.

The old tank will have to be broken apart and removed, then this new one will go into that location.  However it will need a much bigger hole!
Stationed near the edge of the ravine is a small backhoe. The shed used to sit behind the decorative concrete block wall, but has been moved out of the way.  It will eventually be put where the small backhoe is sitting.

We appreciate that Calvert County approved paying the cost of the tank by the Bay Restoration Fund.  Our property is in the Critical Area, within 1,000 feet of the Chesapeake Bay, so it is a top priority to reduce the amount of nitrogen going into the Bay.

Watering the new plants, I looked into one of the basement window wells and was surprised to discover this turtle sitting in the bottom.  It is big, I would guess about 14-15 inches long.  When I picked it up, it was definitely angry, opening its mouth wide and glaring at me.  So it is not surprising that it is an Eastern Snapping Turtle.  That is a new one for my list.   

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