Saturday, July 20, 2019

Butterflies in July

This year there has been a kaleidoscope of butterflies, though I could all it a "rabble" of butterflies, and "rainbow" of butterflies would also be appropriate.  There have been a wide number of large and small butterflies enjoying the flowers.  The Verbena Bonariensis, seen with a swallowtail butterfly above, have always attracted butterflies.  Nearby are the 'Stevie's Wonder' Agapanthus, which are also popular.  Even the Pineapple Lilies, Eucomis comosa are getting visitors.

However, the main attraction is the 'Blue Fortune' Agastache, which is only supposed to grow three feet tall. It towers over my own six foot height, and is three foot diameter of flower spikes. I have seen two kinds of swallowtails, and several smaller butterflies of various colors.  I have even seen one Monarch butterfly, the first for this year, as well as dozens of bees, also various types and sizes.

With the regular amounts of rain starting in spring, everything is flourishing. In these hot days, I only go out to deadhead anything that needs it, and pull out the clumps of crab grass that seem to spring up overnight.  They seem to be happy being left alone.

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