Sunday, August 25, 2013

August rains

The ongoing periods of rain over this most unusual summer has been appreciated by many of the plants.  This is one of two Crape Myrtles planted down on the hillside facing the Bay.  Both were on sale because the nursery had lost their labels, so I don't the variety.  Planted in 2005 as small 3 foot tall bushes, it has taken a number of years to grow up tall enough to be seen above the dwarf bamboo.  With consistent rain, they have taken their place in providing a dramatic splash of color when looking out at the Bay.

Look at the two dead trees visible on the right of the picture.  I believe both were killed by the soil from the landslide two years ago, which covered and probably suffocated their roots.  They did fine the first year, but never put out new leaves this year.

The Allium 'Millennium' has also been spectacular this year, a spreading large clump with long lasting flowers.  It attracts lots of butterflies and bees, a wide variety coming trough to sample the different plants that they like.  As I learned last year, this is an American Lady (Vanessa virginiensis).  I have seen quite a few of these this summer. 

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