Wednesday, August 3, 2022

More Butterflies

This is an adult Pipevine Swallowtail Butterfly.  A few posts earlier I put up the photo of one of these caterpillars.  It has been difficult to get a shot of the iridescent blue on the wings because they are constantly moving.  They like both the Verbena bonariensis and the Agapanthus flowers.

There are also many Zebra Swallowtails, which prefer the verbena over the Agapanthus.   Many of these are smaller than the other Swallowtails. 


Finally there are the Sleepy Orange butterflies which hang out on the Zinnias.  I don't know why they are called "sleepy" because when they are flying they move very fast.  I cannot get a picture of them with their wings open.  But then my reference website to identify Maryland butterflies only has this kind of shot.

I am still trying to get a few others flying around.

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