Sunday, January 2, 2011

Winter Views of the Chesapeake

Now that the trees have dropped their leaves, we enjoy the "seasonal bay view" as it is known by real estate agents and the county tax assessors.  The best views are from behind the house.
This is what is seen from the living room window, with the recently pruned-back holly tree.  It had grown three side leaders, so if you draw a line up from the left edge at the bottom of the tree, it was that wide. 

Then, there is the view from in front of the "blue porch," named for the dark color used by the previous owners.  When the porch gets weather tight windows and a new color, we might have to come up with a new name?

The colors of the heathers add a nice touch to the view, don't they?  The red is a Multicolor, only one of four that have survived.  The variety is much more sensitive to drought than other varieties.

So, enjoy the views. There will be a pause in blogging while the camera goes to visit more exotic terrain.

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