Friday, November 4, 2022

An Assassin Bug

While Aidan was enjoying a supervised visit to the Secret Garden, I noticed a surprising insect.  With the camera just inside the door, and the bug moving slowly, I was able to get a number of great shots.  

This is an Arilus cristatis, commonly know as a Wheel Bug.  At 1.5 inches long, it is the largest true bug.  It is one of the assassin bugs because it feeds on all other kinds of insects. You can see the flowers of the Osmanthus bush on the side.  I suspect the Wheel bug was waiting for bees to come so it could have a meal.

This angle shows the characteristic spokes of the "wheel" behind its head.  Just below the antennae, the beak is visible, bent back toward the body.  It uses this beak to pierce the shells of other insects or caterpillars, with one tube to inject digestive fluids, and a second tube used to suck out all those goodies.  A truly Halloween worthy bug!